Sunday, May 10, 2015

why your opinion is important.

To be perfectly honest, most people in my age group don't think it matters to have an interpretation on revelation. However they are wrong, no matter how old you are your opinion matters. If it didn't there would be no need for bible class. It is very important to have your own view, cause if you don't you are living only by the beliefs that other people teach you. If that happens then you are nothing more than a robot. While i do say this there is a limit, if your opinion exits the christian faith people may consider you non-christian. So when deciding what you believe choose wisely. For this blog, sets of opinions will branch from Futurism, Historicism, Preterism, and Idealism. For me I am still a little undecided, but if I were to choose any belief I would probably pick Preterist. This is where people in my age group might struggle, this content has so much info that it is hard to take in and its hard to decide what to believe. That's why we just believe what were told to believe because we don't want to put in the work ourselves to learn about it. I'm kind of the same way, however i am choosing to believe this. To be perfectly honest I don't know exactly why I believe this, just the thought of there being a thousand year rule doesn't sound right to me. But the important thing is I chose to believe this because I have the free will given by God to me to do so.    

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