Saturday, May 2, 2015

what is love

What is love, and where should your love be settled. No matter what, a person's will show love to earthly things. How does God feel about this, in the bible t says that your love should not be centered on earthly things. Unfortunately, we all have some love that is centered on earthly things. Fortunately, God is a God of forgiveness. This is not to say it's okay to love earthly things because God will forgive you. For if you live every day knowing of your sin, that is not the path to eternal life. In the true path of love, everything must come through God. For you cannot say that you love God but you hate your brother. If you hate your brother, then you hate God. And that will never be the way to eternal life with God. God wants us to love the things that are important. That means do not love electronics, money, alcoholic beverages, etc... Because God wants you to love the important things and not to hate the important things like family, friends, the bible, etc... These are important because they are eternal, and they will stay with you forever. So when thinking about love, thimk about God, because you can't have love without God.

1 comment:

  1. You broadly reference many things in John's letters, but you should include the references so folks can follow your argument and look it up for themselves. Your argument will always be better if you can point folks back to the Bible.
