Sunday, April 12, 2015

defending your faith

It's always hard to know how to argue with a religion you know nothing about, which is why when creating an argument you should know as much as you can about the other persons belief. So when it comes to a situation where you have to defend your belief, you should see what the other person thinks about your religion before pointing out faults in there's. Many questions about Christianity will be asked like, "My mother worked in the soup kitchen and always helped those who needed but she was not a Christian, so is she going to hell?" or "If God loves us why would he allow sin into the world?" etc... So when your faith is questioned you must be ready to tell them the truth even if the truth may seem unfair. Even with the hard truth there are still the good things in Christianity to point out like the relationship we have with God, the rapture, and just some major historical facts on Christianity. Then listen to their argument carefully and know the distinct differences between your faith and their's. Then point out biblical facts that disprove what they argue. then when all is said and done, tell them about the gospel and the love that Jesus shared with us. and to end it off, if they allow it, ask them if you can pray for them and hopefully the holy spirit will enter their hearts through prayer and they will become a changed human being all because of the faithful and knowledgeable argument you put up to defend Gods glory.        

1 comment:

  1. This was not exactly what I was asking in the blog question. But I like the stuff you have to say.

    Instead, I wanted you to wrestle with defining the essentials and non-essentials of our faith--that is, what are the things that we as Christians can disagree on, but still fellowship together as Christians? And what are the things that, because they go too far, put people outside of the Christina faith? For example, many think that baptism is a non-essential issue (dunk, sprinkle, baby, or believer), but they think that believing in a Hell is essential. Some think if you reject the idea of Hell, then you are not expressing the Christian faith.
