Monday, March 30, 2015

wealth and how to use it

Before we read James, I didn't realize there were so many opinions on how money should be spent. I personally wouldn't know the struggles of how to spend my money in a rich sense. Now, I have enough money for video games and stuff that I want, but i don't normally think about the people who could really use that money. I know that all of the people at our school are the same way. The money that they have is all for them and for know one else. In class we talked about whether this applies to our personal "needs". Is it okay to go out and buy some food at McDonald's or should the money be spent on those who cannot afford food for themselves. I believe that there is a distinct line on whether it is okay or not. if all you do is spend and spend on yourself and not even consider that there are people who are starving then something needs to change in your life for there are people who are just as important as you who need your help to live. So is it wrong to treat yourself once in a while, no, but if that's all you think about then you need to change your ways. The money you have is not yours, it is God's money. So when spending it you need to spend it as God would want you to spend it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting so quickly!!! Good job. Also, good thoughts. I would like for you to look at a specific passage of scripture and connect your thoughts to what the Bible says. You can just leave a comment here on you blog and I will check. Also, I put up some videos on my blog that might be of interest.
