Monday, February 9, 2015

Death in bible terms

Death in concern to the bible, is not like death in comparison to atheism or Hinduism. Death in Gods world is a true and hopeful way of death. For once we die we won't be dirt in the ground or be reincarnated as another being, we will live in glory in heaven. Paul believes this but he also believes in the resurrection. In Paul's view, when the ressurection happens, we the people will be split between believers and sinners. Once this happens, sinners will serve an eternity in hell, while believers will become eternal spiritual beings who live a sinless and workless life in heaven and earth. This process, though complicated, fills a gap in our life's. It completely cancels out such thoughts as: my life is pointless, who cares if I die, if I'm going to die why not just end it now. This is why people are drawn to Christ, beliefs like Hinduism and atheism bring no hope for our future. When people don't know the word of God then they will never know the love of God which keeps them from bodily abuse or murder. That's why Gods word is important, that's why we need to have hope for the future for we are not just dust in the wind, we are children of God.

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