Saturday, January 24, 2015

preventing the fall of yourself and others

Paul believes everything we do for Christ makes us an example to those who do not understand His mighty power, the hope we possess, the power of the Holy Spirit we feel; is all because Jesus sacrificed Himself so we would not have to suffer. He believes that you men of God have been chosen to spread His gospel among those who do not believe; and if you do He will protect you from Satan's evil works put inside non-believers. For he believes that God wants to teach them how to please him, but if they reject this word, then God will punish them. This is why Paul teaches the gospel, he does not want people to live in sin, for if they do they, will be left behind when that day comes. So Paul says be thankful in all circumstances, respect those who struggle, and help the timid to become strong leaders of the Lord. If you do this, then on the day that Jesus comes to earth in blazing fire with his powerful angels, you will be seen as worthy to enter the kingdom of God and you shall live an eternity in holiness. Paul believes you should not let this frighten you, for this day will not come until rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness appears. For when this does happen, do not be shaken by idle men, stand strong in place and continue to live in the holiness of God so that He will still see you as a respectful man or woman who is befitting of the seat at the right hand of God.
So before that day comes, fight strongly for the word of God, never be afraid to spread His word for He will always protect you. Live in His word day and night, become a man of God's struggles and help those who are lost in the darkness. For if you follow the rules given in the book of God, then you will truly be befitting of the seat at the right hand of God for all eternity

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My account yaaaay